Adult Faith Formation

Back Row: Jim Bismack, Sue DeKett, Rose Langdon Front Row: Sue Bismack, Cindy Shea
Growing in Faith is something that continues for a lifetime.
St John Vianney Parish offers many opportunities for adult formation throughout the year.
Our Main Offerings Are…
The Chosen
Faith Alive
Bible Studies
These studies are offered throughout the year and are held on Monday Mornings 10:00-12:00, occasionally there are additional classes held on other days and times.
These studies are easy and are meant to help the participants become familiar with Holy Scripture and to learn how to apply it to their daily lives. These studies are published in the bulletin, on the Adult Faith Formation Board in the Gathering Space and on this website.
These were recent responses to the question, “What do you like about participating in our Parish Bible Studies?”
They don’t make me feel like I’m stupid.
They bring Scripture to life.
I like all the discussion and sharing that we do.
Studying like this helps me see how Scripture relates to my own life.
Small Faith Sharing Groups
What is a small faith sharing group? Simply put, a small faith sharing group is a gathering of people who are committed to support one another in their faith journey. Small faith sharing groups allow us to share our faith with others and to grow together in community. Using prayer, shared experiences, and explorations of faith, these small groups can create in a smaller setting a community that enhances the life of the entire parish. They provide the opportunity within a large parish to get to know individuals in a more personal way. They provide the opportunity to support and encourage others.
We have Small Faith Sharing Groups that meet during Lent. Some groups decide to meet at other times during the year as well. The groups often meet in homes and some of them meet at the parish center.
Enrichment Opportunities
These are experiences that are usually one time offerings. They vary in the experience they offer and they usually provide opportunities for learning and fellowship.
Some of the things that have been done in the past include:
Visit to Holy Doors
Visit to the Bible Museum in Bay City
Pilgrimage to the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit
Theology On Tap
Periodically we meet with other Catholic Parishes in our area and have the opportunity to ask Priests and Sisters questions we have about our faith and how it is practiced. Pizza, Pop, Beer & Wine provided, free will donations accepted. It is a fun way to meet others and learn new things about our faith.
Theology On Tap dates are published in the bulletin, on the Adult Faith Formation Board in the Gathering Space