Parish Pastoral Council
St. John Vianney Parish Pastoral Council

Back Row: Bryce Lutz, Cindy Nash, Steve Tack, Beth Lowell (vice-chair), Bill Lockhart Front Row: Nancy Szczepanik, Marge Talbot (secretary), Sue Bismack (chair), and Sue Rapin
- Sue Bismack (chair)
- Bill Lockhart
- Beth Lowell (vice-chair)
- Bryce Lutz
- Cindy Nash
- Sue Rapin
- Nancy Szczepanik
- Steve Tack
- Marge Talbot (secretary)
The Parish Council of St. John Vianney in following the Mission Statement in, “Be the hands of Jesus”, in assisting the Pastoral Administrator. Our goal as laity is to help spread the “good word” of Jesus Christ as proposed from the gospels to both the parish family and our community. We are to be active in both the mission and life of the church. The Parish Pastor Council is to aide and support the parish administrator in their leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the following elements listed below.
The elements that are essential for our success are the following:
- Evangelization
- Worship and Word
- Stewardship
- Christian Service
- Social Committee