Children’s Ministry
Sacrament Preparation for Children requires at least two years of preparation beginning in Grade 1 with the reception of sacraments in Grade 2 for Penance and Eucharist/First Communion. Please note that Confirmation is currently on hold throughout the Diocese of Saginaw. Please register children for the Tuesday evening Catechism classes which meet from late September through the second week of May.
The Children/Youth Programs have a general family fee of $50.00 which covers all ages and members. Sometimes Youth Ministry may require additional fees for specific activities.
Children’s Program for Kindergarten and Grades 1 – 6 meets Tuesdays from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Contact Sr. Janet for more information. Registration packets are available in the Gathering Area at the Kiosk or on this website. Check the tab for forms.
Our Catechists

Back Row: Cindy Nash, Ray Hausbeck, Mitzi Murphy
Front Row: Kay Smekar, Marilyn Patton