
Confirmation for Children: In the Diocese of Saginaw, children are confirmed during Grade 2.

Preparation for Confirmation and Eucharist begin in Grade 1 with an understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism which is the doorway to all other sacraments.  All children (even those in Catholic School) are required to attend the two year program at their parish.  Our children meet during the Tuesday Faith Formation Classes from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Confirmation of Adults who were Baptized Catholic: Adults who were Baptized Catholic but were never confirmed and desire to be confirmed should contact the parish office to attend a simple preparation class and make arrangements through the parish to be confirmed by the Bishop as he sets the date for this once a year.  Adults who were never baptized would begin with the RCIA process and then be confirmed at the Easter Vigil.