Adult Choir : Rehearsals on Tuesdays at 6:30pm
The adult choir at St. John Vianney ranges in age from High School singers to mature
adult singers, all lifting their voices to sing God’s Praise! Our goal is to allow all those
who love to sing, to be able to share their gifts. As a result, many of our musical
selections range from Unison singing (all melody), to two part, SAB and SATB. The
adult choir meets weekly for rehearsals, and participates in the liturgies each weekend
and special Holy days, from September through Pentecost. We are a family, with a
warm, welcoming, casual atmosphere; a love for God, prayer and music.
Hand Chime Choir rehearsals on Tuesdays at 4:30pm
Chime Choir consists of 11 Young Adults, Adults, or youth playing 3 octaves of chimes.
The Chime ringers meet weekly and will share their gifts at masses throughout the
calendar year, Christmas, and Easter.
Resurrection Choir
This is a group of adults who are available during the weekdays, to aid the
grieving families by singing for funeral liturgies. You do not need to read music,
and there are only few rehearsals to prepare some special songs. The Choir is
notified as soon as a funeral is scheduled and we would meet one hour before the
funeral to prepare.
Swingin’ Singers
We provide music and entertainment for the residents at
Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Centers in the Saginaw
Area. Singing music the residents can relate to: from the
1920’s to Now. Our mission is to spark a memory, a smile, and
even a laugh to brighten their day.