St. John Vianney Finance Commission

The Finance Commission is a consultative body which provides guidance and advice to the Pastor/Administrator of St. John Vianney parish on the administration of parish assets. We help prepare the Annual Budget, review Quarterly & Annual Financial Statements, extraordinary expenses, and any unplanned expenses that may arise during the year.

We meet in the months after the end of each calendar quarter (July, October, January, and April) and as needed for preparing the annual budget.

Giving to St. John Vianney Parish

  1. Envelopes: If you are new to our parish you can arrange to have an envelope packet sent directly to your home each month when you register with the parish office.
  2. Automatic contributions: The Parish Office can assist you in arranging for a bank or credit union to make contributions to St. John Vianney for you (weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually).
  3. Planned Giving: Want to make a gift to St. John Vianney parish through your estate? An attorney can help you plan a gift through your will or trust.
  4. Qualified Charitable Gifts: Are you required to withdraw a minimum amount from your IRA each year? Your financial institution can make a Qualified Charitable Gift from your retirement account directly to the parish.

Lastly, I would like to squeeze a small spreadsheet tracking our Income & Expenses Year-to-Date (updated monthly) to supplement the report in the bulletin.


  • Robert Miller, Chair
  • Margaret Smekar, secretary
  • Robert Schade
  • Linda Stephen
  • Steve Tack, liason to council
  • Sarah Ziegelmann
  • Ex Officio – Michelle Gombar, Bookkeeper