Social Committee
Christian Outreach Committee
The Christian Outreach Committee is committed to serving the community with monthly collections, community service and education of the various community organizations.
Our committee would like to thank the parishioners of St. John Vianney for being so generous and spreading the Christian message by being the hands of Christ through our community service.
Committee Members:
Jan Zielinski
Rachel Westendorf
Cathy Agnew
Sue Dana
Cheryl Evangelista
Linda Stephen
Annette Card
David Rodriguez
Barb Chernow
Denise Kenny
Mary Patnode
Nancy Evans
Collections for 2016:
January and February: 1% Veteran Food Pantry at Harry Browne Airport
March and April: Abortion alternative
May and June: Migrant Workers
July: Child Prevention and Youth Services
August: School supplies: Carrollton schools and Henry Doer School
September: Ecumenical Food Pantry ( First Presbyterian)
October: Preemies for Covenant Hospital
November: Thanksgiving Baskets for Kinship( grandparents taking care of grandchildren) and Elementary school families
November and December: Mitten tree for Christmas Store at First Congregational Church
December Giving tree: Healthsource, Emmaus House, Partnership, Carrollton Elementary Families, Mental Health, Mustard Seed
Upcoming dates:
Nov. 20: Thanks giving Baskets will be delivered
Nov. 26- Dec 4: Mitten Tree
Dec 3-Dec 18: Giving Tree
Jan and Feb: 1% Veteran’s Pantry
We are always looking for new organizations to support. If you know of any organizations that need help please call Jan Zielinski 989-754-5153.
If you are interested in joining our committee please call Jan Zielinski at 989-754-5153.
Future dates for meetings are at St. John Vianney at 7:00: Dec. 6, 2016; Feb 7, 2017; March 7, 2017; May 9, 2017